Swift Acclivity - The Premier Business and IT Consulting Firm



At Swift Acclivity, we utilize our proprietary KIT® framework to help our clients find the solutions that they need. Already armed with extensive industry knowledge, we further study our clients particular processes and differentiating way of doing business; we meet with key organization figures, talk to them, work with them, gather and analyze business process data which will ultimately aid us to design optimum solutions tailored specifically for their particular needs. We use past experience only to shed light on current problems, but we realize that each situation is unique, and that every client have their own set of circumstances that demand an independent way of thinking free form the prejudice of past experience and the influence of work already done for others. When you come to us with your project, we only work for you, in your own environment and within your own boundaries, to find a solution that is specific to your organization, and matching your particular needs.
We offer our clients a wide array of services, ranging from software development of complex business systems and IT consulting to research and management consulting. Read further to get a clearer picture of the services we afford to your organization.

Software Development

The software we develop for our clients is customized to suit their business needs and solve their problems. We follow a roadmap that helps us work with you to understand your business and develop the solution that you are looking for, regardless of how involved or complex your project is.

Read more: Software Development

IT Consulting

Businesses need to follow new technology trends so they are not left behind. Swift Acclivity can help your organization leverage new technologies such as cloud, mobility, social media, big data, and analytics, as well as maximize the value of your legacy systems, giving you competitive advantage, and freeing your resources to focus on your core business.

Read more: IT Consulting