Swift Acclivity - The Premier Business and IT Consulting Firm


IndustriesSmallThe breadth of our expertise covers industries in both the private and public sectors. We have satisfied clients in banking and finance, insurance, healthcare, law, energy, federal, state, and local governments as well as in the non-profit sector. These are but a few examples representing some of the verticals that we serve.

Our consultants possess unique blends of in-depth industry knowledge and technical savvy, putting us at the forefront of the industry, giving us a clear advantage over the competition, and placing us in a strategic position that enables us to deliver high and added value to our clients.

So whatever your industry is, give us a call, have a chat with us, and see for yourself how we can help your organization.


Banking and Finance

Information technology is an essential and integral part of the financial services industry, with annual spend equal to one fifth of total IT spend. It seems very strange then that financial institutions are facing many problems with their IT systems that can't seem to keep up with the fast advances in financial products.

Read more: Banking and Finance


The sheer size of the government, on federal, state, and local levels, necessitates smart thinking when planning and executing IT strategies. Business processes need to be defined and made efficient. Technology needs to be scalable, and Processes need to display both transparency and accountability.

Read more: Government

Swift Acclivity Healthcare Solutions


The healthcare sector is suffering from high-volume data, waste of resources and rampant fraud and system abuse. It is also struggling with the need to safeguard patients' Protected Health Information, which needs to be accessed only by authorized people and only when needed. Access to this kind of information however, even when justified, is a challenge all on its own, as it is spread across health networks and inter-agency healthcare programs.

Read more: Healthcare


Law firms, in the first place, are businesses whose practices need to be modernized and streamlined. The technologies that aid in achieving that goal run along two lines.

First: Data management software that ensures adequate storage and access of client and firm data in a timely and secure manner.

Read more: Law